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First Lutheran Church - Greenwich, CT
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Les informations suivantes sont disponibles pour First Lutheran Church - Greenwich, CT:

We are a committed community of Christians who seek to live each and every day taking part in God's mission to reach out to those around us with the saving truth about Jesus Christ and pursue the welfare of the city around us.

There are many opportunities to be strong in the Lord as a part of the FLC family: from Sunday worship, to Thursday Bible study, to our men's group, to our women's group, we are always seeking ways to build each other up in the Lord so that we are strengthened for our daily walk with Him in service of all those around us. We are located at 38 Field Point Road, Greenwich, CT 06830 Sunday worship is at 10:30 AM with coffee hour immediately following. Thursday Bible study is from 7:30-8:30 PM Men's Group- the proper name and time forthcoming. Women's Group- the proper name and time forthcoming.


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38 Field Point Rd

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(203) 869-0032

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The Old Testament reading for the Seventh Sunday after Trinity takes us back to the Garden of Eden. God bountifully provided food for Adam and Eve but also warned, “The day that you eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:17). We know what happened. Now, as Saint Paul writes in Romans 6, all men are born as slaves to sin. In our Gospel text, we encounter Jesus, who comes to break that curse of sin and death. And what is Jesus doing? In Mark 8:1–9, (The Feeding of the Four-Thousand) Jesus is once again providing food for his people. God cares about every need of body and soul. SING PRAISE TO GOD, THE HIGHEST GOOD (LSB 819) Johann Jakob Schütz’s (1640-1690) hymn of our merciful Creator is set to the exuberant tune by famed Lutheran composer Michael Vulpius (c.1560/70-1615). He Who made man also knew that man would need a Savior from his sin. God had placed the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil within Eden (Gen. 2). Though His desire was that man should live, He knew that man would pursue the fruit of the forbidden tree unto death. Thus the Father sent His Son as Savior, Shepherd, Refuge, Rock, Peace, and Salvation for His chosen band. We, who confess Christ’s holy name, continue to sing: “To God all praise and glory!” (Rev. Thomas E. Lock for Logia Online)


WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT THIS SUNDAY This Sunday Rev. Dr. James Zwernemann will lead us in worship and bring us the Lord’s Supper. Formerly President of the Atlantic District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, Pastor Zwernemann served as senior pastor of Village Lutheran Church, Bronxville, NY for 30 years. He and his wife, Bonnie, professor of education at Concordia College (Bronxville), retired in 2002 and moved to East Haddam, CT. They have 5 children, 13 grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren. The sermon for this week, ARE YOU GOING TO TALK OR FISH?, is reflecting on the Gospel for the day: Luke 5:1-10. We welcome Pastor Zwernemann to First and St. Paul on Sunday.


FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY The hymn of the Day is Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid (LSB 500). The text for this hymn was written by Rabanus Maurus about 1200 years ago, while the tune from 1541 is rather young by comparison. In this hymn we implore the Holy Spirit to visit our humble minds and free us from all sin and sorrow. Our hymn is excellently paired with the Gospel text written in Luke 6:36–42, which contains the oft quoted words, “Judge not, and you will not be judged” (v. 37). We are not to judge according to human standards of our own making. Instead, the Holy Spirit judges according to the Word of God. We pray the Holy Spirit to “help us eternal truths receive, and practice all that we believe.” Amen.


FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY The Gospel text for the First Sunday after Trinity is the story of the rich man and the beggar named Lazarus (Luke 16:19–31). After both men die, the rich man has a conversation with Abraham, the father of faith. The rich man serves as a warning to us, while the poor man is an example of faith. The Hymn of the Day is “Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart” (LSB 708), one of the most beautiful hymns in our hymnal. Its third and final stanza, which begins, “Lord, let at last Thine angels come,” makes reference to our Gospel text and the angels who bore away the soul of the poor man to heaven.


TRINITY SUNDAY On Trinity Sunday the Church confesses her faith in the Triune God using the words of the Athanasian Creed. There are three Ecumenical Creeds, that is, three creeds that are confessed by the whole Christian church on earth. The Athanasian Creed, which is much longer than the other two creeds (Apostles’ and Nicene), is confessed every year on Trinity Sunday. The Trinity is a mystery that cannot be fully comprehended by human understanding. Theologians who attempt to rationally explain the Trinity generally end up confessing an unscriptural heresy that has been condemned by the Church. Here is a great (and humorous) video by Lutheran Satire that explains pretty much everything there is to know about the Trinity. Enjoy! Our Hymn of the Day is “Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest” (LSB 498) in which we ask the Holy Spirit to teach us rightly to know God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


THIS SUNDAY IS PENTECOST Pentecost means 50 days. Originally, this was a Hebrew feast, the Feast of Booths, which was celebrated 50 days after the Passover. During New Testament times, faithful Jews would journey from all over the Roman Empire to celebrate the feast in Jerusalem. On the day of Pentecost, exactly fifty days after the Resurrection, God poured out the promised Holy Spirit upon the disciples. In addition, God gave the apostles the ability to speak to all the gathered pilgrims in their own languages. Three-thousand people were baptized in one day, and then they went back to their distant countries, taking the gospel with them. (See Acts 2.) For Christians today, Pentecost has become an entirely new festival. We do not make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to find the physical place on earth where God dwells. Instead, we celebrate the coming of God the Holy Spirit to dwell in and among us, wherever we live on earth. The Hymn of the Day is "Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord" (LSB 497).


FINAL SUNDAY OF EASTER The final Sunday within the season of Easter is called "Exaudi," which means, "Answer!" This word is a prayer that God would hear and deliver us from the trails of life. In our Gospel reading, Jesus tells his disciples of the suffering that awaits them: "They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God" (John 16:2). The disciples were prepared to lose their lives for the sake of Christ. Are we Christians who live in relative freedom prepared to do the same? Only with the help of the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus sends to be with us. The Hymn of the Day, once again written by Martin Luther, is a prayer that God would strengthen us in the final strife and keep us faithful to the Word of Christ. You may listen to a recording of "Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word" (LSB 655) by the country singer and Missouri Synod member, Lyle Lovett here


THE SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER The Sixth Sunday of Easter is called "Rogate," which means, "pray." In our Gospel reading, Jesus teaches us about prayer, saying, "Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full" (John 16:24). There are many misconceptions about prayer. Does prayer change God's mind? Does it twist God's arm, so to speak, and force him to give us a blessing that he had not been planning to give? If not, then why should we pray? Come to church this Sunday to find out. There is no better prayer than the Lord's Prayer, and no better hymn about prayer than Luther's own "Our Father Who from Heaven Above" (LSB 766). This hymn paraphrases the Lord’s Prayer, with a stanza for each of the seven petitions. The Handbook to the Lutheran Hymnal declares, “We hold this to be Luther’s finest hymn,” placing it above his “A Mighty Fortress,” and his “Out of the Depths.” Of course when it comes to Luther hymns and favorite hymns it is not a contest, but this shows how highly regarded this hymn was by those fathers and mothers in faith who have come before us! This hymn's place in the Easter season begins the week of Ascension (Ascension is this Thursday. Perhaps next year we will have an Ascension service). Because Christ has burst the grave we now have one who is at the right hand of the Father advocating for us and hearing our prayers. In this way the hymn provides a transition and reminds us that Christ’s Resurrection grants us the rich honor of praying to a Father who loves us for his sake. (excerpts from the Rev. Adrian N. Sherrill – for Logia Online)


Please join us on Saturday, June 1st at 9am to spruce up the church grounds. With any luck the rain will have stopped by then!


THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Fifth Sunday of Easter is called Cantate, which means, "Sing!" or "Shout for joy!" This comes from the first verse of the Introit: "Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of his name!" (Psalm 66:1–2). In our Gospel text (John 16:16–22), Jesus tells his disciples of the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. "He will guide you into all truth" (John 16:13). This is what the Holy Spirit does today – he teaches us about Jesus and his words, guiding us into all truth. The Hymn of the Day is another gem by Martin Luther, "Dear Christians, One and All Rejoice!" (LSB 556). This hymn contains the entire history of salvation in ten concise verses, as only Dr. Luther can tell it.


THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER The Fourth Sunday of Easter is called Jubilate, which means, Rejoice! Jesus compares the sorrow that we experience in life to that of a woman giving birth. Her sorrow and pain are very real, but when the baby is born, all sorrow is forgotten and she is filled with joy. In the midst of the broken world within which we live, we hold fast to Christ's promise of victory, expressed beautifully in the third stanza of the Hymn of the Day, "O Little Flock, Fear Not the Foe" (LSB 666): As true as God's own Word is true, Not earth no hell's Satanic crew Against us shall prevail. Their might? A joke, a mere facade! God is with us and we with God— Our vict'ry cannot fail.


THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER The Third Sunday of Easter is called Misericordias Domini, after the first Latin words of the Introit: "The earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord" (Psalm 33:5). You may know this Sunday by a more common name: Good Shepherd Sunday. Our Gospel text from John 10 includes Jesus' wonderful words: "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep" (John 10:11). Our hymn for the day is "The King of Love My Shepherd Is" (LSB 709).


THE SUNDAY AFTER EASTER The season of Lent has a clear beginning and an end, but not so the season of Easter. Though the Church celebrates seven Sundays of Easter, our rejoicing over Christ's resurrection will continue even in heaven. The Gospel reading from John 20:19–31 is very appropriate for this day, since the events recorded there occurred on the Sunday following Easter Sunday. Many of us are familiar with the story of "Doubting Thomas." Jesus' words to Thomas apply to every believer. Come and hear them this Sunday. The Hymn for Quasimodo Geniti is O Sons of Daughters of the King (LSB 470). An interesting bit of trivia: What is the name of the hunchback of Notre Dame? Quasimodo. Why? Because he was found on the steps of the cathedral on Quasimodo Geniti, the Latin name for the Second Sunday of Easter.


Happy Easter! He is risen! Alleluia!


EASTER SUNDAY Breakfast at 9:30, Service at 11am This Sunday we joyously celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord. "When Christ ascended on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men" (Ephesians 4:8). Our Hymn of the Day is a truly great Lutheran treasure: "Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands" (LSB 458). The text was written by Martin Luther, and his Kantor, Johann Walter, provided the tune to one of the strongest sung confessions of piercing Law and heavenly Gospel ever written. “Death is now dead,” is the theme. The hymn invites the singer to share with Jesus in full-throated rejoicing that the last enemy of ours has been embarrassed and laid waste. A strange and dreadful fight to the death develops through seven stanzas, with Jesus tearing us free from death’s chains by being captive Himself. He turns the tables and the tide of fallen human history, destroying sin and taking death’s crown. You may be confident because, “Holy Scripture plainly saith that death is swallowed up by death . . .” The first four stanzas depict Jesus’ entrance, fight, and securing of man’s salvation. The final three speak of how we lay claim to his resurrection and partake of its benefits. We sing with Luther that to eat and drink the Supper is to join Jesus in His reign. This transports us from death’s darkness into the light and makes us strong and well fed for whatever trouble comes our way. Together in song and meal we boast of what Christ has done, “And Satan cannot harm us. Alleluia!” (adapted from Pastor Adrian N. Sherrill for Logia Online).


GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Please join us at 7pm on Friday for our Good Friday service.


Built on the Rock the Church shall stand Even when steeples are falling. Crumbled have spires in every land; Bells still are chiming and calling, Calling the young and old to rest, But above all the souls distressed, Longing for rest everlasting.


PALM SUNDAY Holy week begins this Sunday with Palmarum, the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. How differently the week would end, as the same crowd that cheered our Lord's arrival would soon be shouting, "Crucify Him!" There are two Gospel readings for Palm Sunday. First, we gather in the narthex and process into the sanctuary after reading the Matthew's account of the triumphal entry. Afterwards, we will hear the Passion of Christ, also from Matthew's Gospel. During the procession, we will sing the ancient hymn, "All Glory, Laud, and Honor" (LSB 442) echoing the words the children sang as Jesus entered the holy city. The Hymn of the Day is "Ride On, Ride On in Majesty" (LSB 441).


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